Enjoy the Boost,
Avoid the Crash

CRISP Energy shots give you a boost from a cellular level, and do not cause you to crash after the effect has worn off!


Contains a variety of B and C vitamins that benefit your boost.

Vitamin B1
• Strengthens the immune system
• Essential for energy production
Vitamin B5
• Rebuilds tissues, muscles, organs
Vitamin B2
• Helps maintain energy supply
Vitamin B6
• Boosts brain performance
Vitamin B3
• Repairs DNA, acts as an antioxidant
Vitamin C
• Strong antioxidant
• Helps your body heal faster

The Magic of Magensium

Magnesium activates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the body, which helps to create energy in the body, and has many other benefits:


If you’ve been experiencing muscle aches or spasms, a supplement may assist in relaxing them, as magnesium plays a vital role in neuromuscular signals and contractions.


A deficiency in magnesium may be to blame for insomnia and trouble sleeping. Taking a supplement can help slow your heart rate, relax your muscles, and quiet a racing mind.


If you’ve been experiencing muscle aches or spasms, a supplement may assist in relaxing them, as magnesium plays a vital role in neuromuscular signals and contractions.

Up your energy without a downside

The Crisp Energy shot ingredients work on a cellular level to increase energy.

The amino acid proprietary blend contains amino acids which work on the mitochondria of each cell to make it produce more ATP (energy).

So this means the energy and mental clarity the customer experiences is not coming from the caffeine or the sugar, but it actually comes from the cells, which is the source of the energy in the human body.
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